This is an open letter to people who have found themselves quite fatigued along these years. We all have our moments of feeling rather isolated from our family and friends, feeling like no one really understands us and no one knows or even cares to ask what has been troubling us. Whether you are still gritting your teeth until the final breakthrough, or the numerous problems in your lives have unfortunately no longer allowed you to continue, you are more than welcome to talk about your problems. You can write an anonymous letter to the official blog email:
You could tell us your story, what has been worrying you, or you have unfortunately been through some traumas, and so on and so forth. If you have already shared it in public before, you are welcome to share it again if you want to. If you feel uncomfortable talking about it in public, and you've been in your mission alone for even too long a time, then hopefully this blog can serve as an avenue to alleviate your problems. Both Chinese and English are welcome. Your letter will NOT be published elsewhere on the Internet other than this blog WITHOUT your permissions. Please let us know, at the closing of your email, if you hope your story to be posted on this blog so that other lightworkers could be inspired, and if you wish your name to be revealed.